There is a tremendous amount of information online about everything. Some of it great, accurate, and reliable, and other stuff…not so much.
Regardless of the content, as instructors, we probably like to add our own thoughts and ideas to some of it.
Even some of the most useful content such as that produced by Jody at Welding Tips and Tricks may be better suited for what you are teaching by adding a few comments. This is NOT because I have better ideas that Jody. (Whom I think is the GREATEST WELDING EDUCATOR IN THE WORLD, He has touched more welders minds than all the schools combined I bet.)
Playing a video live will always be a good way to go. Stand in front of the screen, pause as needed, have a discussion etc.. But in some cases, being able to do this at any time can be useful. Additionally, providing some questions for thought can help reinforce learning.
For online content that is interactive, there are various options. One of those options that is in the public domain is called H5P. It can be used for creating many different types of learning content. It is like many “technology” solutions in the fact that you do have to put some “learning” into it yourself. This ole welder was able to figure it out!
Anyway, here is a link to an example of content I created using one of Jody’s videos. These have examples of notes you must click on to pause and read, and others that will pop up. There are also questions at the end. A quick note, if your school uses Canvas, there are tools built in for creating notes/comments on videos.